Rob Kardashian

Is Rob Kardashian’s Engagement Diet Really Healthy? An Expert Weighs in on Blac Chyna’s Health Plan


Rob Kardashian

Getting married isn’t the only life changing decision Rob Kardashian is committing to – with the help of his fiancée Blac Chyna, he is also adopting a healthier lifestyle. But how healthy is the model’s menu? We asked dietitian Keri Glassman of to weigh in — and while he’s on the right track, the overall results are mixed.

On Wednesday, Blac Chyna, 27, announced on Snapchat that she has taken the initiative to help her man lose weight by training him every day for the next five weeks. The formerly reclusive reality star – who had been diagnosed with diabetes and gained 100 lbs. – now weighs 248 lbs., according to the video.

Kardashian, 29, has been posting his recent meals on Instagram. Three of his recently posted dishes – roasted chicken, sauteed asparagus with oil, seasoning and steamed baby carrots; lamb chops with roasted, seasonal broccoli; and a breakfast of bacon, wheat toast and eggs – clock in at 680, 503 and 432 calories respectively, according to Glassman.

Earlier this week, Kardashian also posted a green-colored drink with uncertain contents.

Glassman’s take? Try lemon water. “I am a fan of lemon water,” she says. “Lemon water in the morning can help jumpstart the digestive system and is very cleansing,” she says. “Doing something good for your body first thing in the morning also makes you more likely to make healthier choices throughout the day. Staying hydrated is key to weight loss as well.”

But Kardashian gets points for opting for a post-engagement meal of homemade grilled hamburgers instead of the In-n-Out burgers he favored.

“Grilling a burger yourself is much better than your average fast food burger because you can control things like quality of meat, which is key, seasonings, quality of bun and toppings,” says Glassman. “The key is also to marinate meat. The antioxidants in the marinade can help reduce the cancer-causing chemicals that are formed when grilling.”

“Overall, grilling on your own versus fast food? No contest! Grilling at home is best,” says the dietitian, who notes that one fast food cheeseburger contains 479 calories and 27 grams of fat.

But if Kardashian does get a fast food craving (because, let’s admit, we all do), Glassman suggests skipping the fatty fries and cheese and out for a protein-style (no bun) burger, which contains about 13 grams of protein.

All and all, keep up the good work, Rob!

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